We value the atmosphere and presence of God in our lives and in every service. We believe that it is important to engage with God’s presence through faith-filled prayer, heart-felt worship, and a commitment to make Jesus Christ famous through our lives and subsequently through the work of our church.
We desire the moving of the Holy Spirit and encourage the gifts of the Holy Spirit.
We value the miracles and supernatural acts of God.
We are totally convinced of and rely upon the work of the Holy Spirit to move people to accept Christ.
We believe in the power of the Holy Spirit to effect conversion and instigate a new life in Christ and bring salvation to anyone who confesses that Jesus is Lord.
We believe God has called us to be an intelligent church with a no compromise approach to preaching and teaching the Bible.
We value the power and authority of the word of God as the seed that brings new life.
We believe that God’s word produces people of integrity, mature and developed in character, who will attract others to Jesus and His mission.
Jesus said that He would build His Church and the designs and machinations of the enemy would not prevail against it (Matthew 16:18). We love the local church and are very passionate about working with Jesus in building His Church.
We value the concept of the “house” as the body of Christ – the lives of people committed to the cause – the people of God, connected and interdependent like living stones. Bricks and mortar have value as a place of worship but people are our main concern.
As a church we are committed to give priority to people before money, structures, systems and all other organisations aspects. We love our local church and we will seek to be planted in it – we believe it is important to be involved in the life of our church and serve in the house. Making a church “my” church is very important.
We believe church membership is a thing of the heart, rather than a process or register. We value the commitment people make our church what it is – and wholeheartedly believe that those who are planted in the house will grow and flourish.
We place value on the significance and influence of a large and growing church. We are convinced in our heart that God has called us to be both a large and growing church. In the depths of our hearts we are a people of destiny!
We value structures designed to help the church grow; we value the people God calls to nurture, develop and develop systems that enhance growth; we value the creative energy expressed to nurture these.
We value the absolute necessity of change for growth – we willingly place ourselves in the way of change and challenge. We are willing to initiate change for the sake of growth no matter what the cost.
We value the need to build capacity in both a personal and corporate setting – enlarging our capacity for more of God is a lifelong objective and we seek by design to be expansive people. We believe God has called us to be big people who live life well.
We are convinced that through extending our reach we influence others for success – by teaching in Bible schools, minister’s conferences, writing books, and through mass media.
We are a church committed to mission in other parts of the world. We are a church with an extended reach through the impact ministries of others who are in relationship with us.
We value our friends and connection to others outside our local church that are apostolic, prophetic and impact the work of God – we will actively seek after and honour their input into our church and our support of them.
We are passionate about being relevant; we believe it is our mandate as a 21st Century church. It is vital that we are contemporary and authentic communicators of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
We believe it is vital that we are accessible to people – that we are “touchable”, easy to use and genuine in our faith.
Understanding that language is important, we work hard to make sure our services, songs and messages are understandable, accessible and user friendly.
Music is a way of relating to many people in various generations and we take care to ensure our sound is contemporary; that it is not old fashion or traditional for the sake of being “church music”.
Atmosphere is a mode of communication as is the building, decoration, presentation, technology; and the life and demeanour of the people – we value any activity that helps us build an appropriate atmosphere to reach our generation for Christ.
The media is the “New Market Place” of our generation and we place value on developing core strategies that will help us to have a significant presence there. We likewise seek to use social media to engage with those in our city and beyond.
We place value on having clear vision. We believe that vision should be progressive, that it requires faith to fulfil, and that the vision is forever forward.
We recognise the value of good planning and preparation. Both developing strategy and implementing it holds great value to us.
We are passionate about visionary leaders with the gifts and calling of God to bring dreams into reality.We seek to support and honour such men and women of God!
We are passionate about relationships – we value relational living. We believe ministry flows from relationship – relationship with each other and with God.
We place great value upon building good friendships, in communication and seeking to understand each other well.
We aim to create an environment where friendships last for decades.
We value marriage as an institution ordained by God; and want to help couples build the strong kind of marriages that last” until death us do part”.
We value good families and will seek to develop such in and through this church.
We value our many friends around the world who have a sense of burden for us and destiny with us.
We will seek to develop those long-term networks and friendships.
We value a living, growing and developing relationship with God through Jesus Christ – we believe it is vital that people have a progressive revelation of who Christ is.
We place value on leadership, training, discipleship, mentoring, fathering and biblical structures that promote leadership within the church.
We honour leaders. We value the work of God in imparting gifts of leadership to men and women around us; and we will respect them, love them and hold them up in prayer.
We seek to recognise leadership and nurture biblical structures of leadership. We are committed to training new leaders and helping others find their appropriate place in the body of Christ.
We are passionate about raising up a new generation of leaders locally and elsewhere so as to leave a legacy of our own leadership.
We will seek to be fathers and mothers in the faith.
Culture can either be driven by design or can happen by default. The culture of our church is no accident – it flows from our passion for God and His Kingdom. It is our desire to intentionally and deliberately create a culture that reflects the Kingdom of God; and our culture is formed around five key points chosen to reflect this.